1300 State Route 125 Amelia, Ohio 45102

Our Three Christmas Gifts

Dec 24, 2023    Pastor Matt Young

Today, we gather in celebration, looking back at the profound significance of Jesus Christ's first coming and eagerly anticipating His second coming. Joining Pastor Matt, just as wise men brought gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh to honor the birth of our Savior, we, too, are called to prepare gifts for His glorious return.

In the book of Acts, Peter, a steadfast disciple of Christ, proclaimed that the end of all things was near. His words in 1 Peter 4:7-11 provide us with a strategy to navigate these challenging times: prayer, fervent love, and selfless service. In a world increasingly consumed by self-centeredness, Peter's wisdom shines brightly, encouraging us to be different, to be servants, just as our Lord exemplified when He gave His life for us.

As we explore the biblical definition of servanthood, we'll come to understand that it's not only about surrendering to God's will but also about using our unique gifts and talents to benefit others. It's about adopting the attitude of Christ and realizing that through servanthood, we become more like Him.

The foundation of servanthood, as Jesus Himself taught, leads to promotion, prominence, and true greatness. In a world that often measures greatness by worldly standards, Jesus invites us to lead differently by embracing the calling of servanthood. By esteeming others as better than ourselves and by showing honor, we become vessels of God's love and grace.